
摘自:Interview With The Hero by scoradh(D讲价与中国制造,笑死)


“How much for this bowl?”

“Fifty pounds,” called Draco. He stowed his wand in the special pocket sewn into his sleeve and smoothed down the bump. 

“I’ll give you thirty.”

“Fifty,” insisted Draco. He wafted air around his perspiring face, then thought to blot the sweat with his cuff.

“Thirty-five, and that’s my last offer.” 

“It’s fifty or nothing,” said Draco, emerging from behind the dresser and leaning sideways against it. 

The man who was fingering an ornate pewter bowl didn’t look around. His numerous jewelled rings caught the fire of the setting sun, which blazed in through the dusty front windows. The points of light created tiny coronas of blindness and left Draco blinking back white spots.

“How about if I offered you dinner for two at Kali’s?”

“Then it’d definitely be fifty, plus a ten pound surcharge for unwarranted presumption.” Draco tried not to let the laughter brimming on lips betray his customary expression of the ferocious, cut-throat bargainer. 

“Ah, you slay me,” sighed the man. He set down the bowl with exaggerated care. “Tell me what this piece of crap does to deserve such an inflated price, and maybe I’ll take it off your delicate hands.”

“That was found in the temple of a king, I’ll have you know,” protested Draco. He moved to stand at the shoulder of the man, relishing the fact that he started at Draco’s nearness. “Just look at that wonderful workmanship, the intricacy of the detail on the rim designs. Even the slight wave of the cupola shows its uniqueness -- and there’s a rare seal of the craftsman on the base.”

The man turned the bowl over. “Ah! I see it.”

“You do?” Draco was flummoxed. “I mean, of course you do. I am still studying it to see if it is an eagle or a sphinx, for the latter will greatly increase its value. I tell you, it will be a wrench to let you have it. I am not sure that I could let it go.”

“I think you’re mistaken about the sphinx,” said the man. “I think what it says is ‘made in China.’”

“Bastard!” Draco slapped him on the shoulder.

“Tell you what.” The man withdrew a purse from his pocket with a rasp of silk. “I’ll buy if from you anyway. My wife needs a new fruit bowl. I’ll give you twenty-five pounds.”

“Thirty and it’s yours.”

“Done.” The man slid two fingers into the neck of his purse and, with exaggerated care, counted out the money into Draco’s damp palm. 








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